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Aunt Kim



My little brother, my nephew, my friend


I've been wanting to write something but I didn't know where to start.  This has been one of my most traumactic experiences thus far.  For you hold so many places in my heart.  Although I know you are with the Lord, my heart aches because I miss you so much.  Not a day goes by that I don't think of you. It is at those times that I don't know where to place my grief. I realize it's o.k to stay there, because you and God are with me.  I start to remember the good times and we had so many.  I remember that you know I love you because when I say I love you as always I can here you say I know you do Auntie and I love you too.


Aunt Kim



We little knew that morning that God was going to all your name,

In life we loved you dearly, in death we do the same.

It broke our hearts to lose you, you did not go alone,

For part of us went with you, the day God called you home.

You left us peaceful memories, your love is still our guide,

And though we cannot see you, you are always at our side.

Our family chain is broken, and nothing seems the same,

But as God calls us one by one, the chain will link again.

Hey Jemahl

There is so much I want to share with you. I pray that God would just give me a dream or some time with  you. I can't let myself think that you are not here with me. It is still just so painful. I try to get on with my life and sometimes I do, But the moment I realize that you are not here I get this unbearable pain that only God can take away. I miss you so deeply. I wonder how other parents deal with this. Will I ever not feel this pain. I don't think so. Not until we are together again. God has been good to our family, and I don't want to be ungrateful. I have to trust God on this. I know he is with me. I LOVE you. I just wish I could have did something to help you. I don't know what to do anymore. I can't wait to see you.

I Love you
Kerri & Cheyenn
Merry Christmas From Heaven"
Throughout the Christmas season
Don’t fall into despair,
Relive the special times we shared...
I promise I’ll be there.
You’ll find me in the stories
Of loved ones who stop by,
I am the flickering candlelight,
My spirit did not die.
Continue with traditions
And gather ‘round the tree,
I want you to be happy,
You were everything to me!
So, fill the house with laughter,
And know that I’m a part,
Of all the joy the season holds,
Here your heart!
It breaks all of our hearts everyday that you are not here, but if you could tell us one thing, I know it would be that you loved us all and to be happy.  We Miss you and love you so much


Dear God,
You sent a child to me
To fill my life with joy,
And only You knew which was best --
A little girl or boy.
Somehow I took for granted, Lord,
That we would have a lifetime,
And I made so many future plans
For that precious child of mine.
Enchanted by that Miracle,
Caught up in each new day,
I guess I didn't hear You, Lord,
When You said, "This one can't stay."
I trust You, Lord. Thy will; not mine,
Yet I can't understand
This sudden loss -- the emptiness --
too difficult to comprehend

I know my child is with you now
But my heart is aching so.
I'm sorry I wasn't ready, Lord,
To let my baby go.
Thank you for the one last hug;
Thank you for final kiss.
Oh God, it's all those special smiles
That I already miss.
So Lord, could you do just one thing
For me especially?
Please hold my angel close to You
And say goodbye for me.

Kerri & Cheyenn

Every day I enter this site and try to think of what memory could I share that anyone reading this would stop and say Wow what a beautiful person Jemahl was, is it the day we met, the time you fell off the jet ski, the trips we took, the nights we stayed up talking and laughing, the day our daughter was born and then I realized that I go over and over all the thoughts and not one sticks out in my mind, as quick as I remember one another one is right behind it and that is because you are bigger than one great memory, you were a lifetime of memories, for all those who knew you, each of us has a piece of you that words can never do justice of an explanation of your beauty and heart.   I am grateful that I had you in my life for as long as I did, yes there were a lot of good and bad times, but I would easily give up my 16 years of memories of you for 16 more minutes with you, to see your face, feel the warmth of your hands or just to see you smile from a distance.

Do not urge me to leave you, or to turn back and not follow you, for wherever you go, I will go, wherever you lodge, I will lodge; your people shall be my people and your God my God,  Where you die, I will die and be buried.  Nothing but death will separate me and you (Ruth 1:16-17).

Until I see you again, my eternal love always.


My Son

When I was a child I wanted a brother,
with which I wasn't blessed.
When I grew up I wanted a son,
and God gave me the best.

Now I'm not saying that you were perfect,
We've had our ups and downs.
But when I needed some one the most
you were always around.

When you were growing up
I tried to teach you right from wrong.
But somehow you taught me
so many things I didn't know.

You have a place in my heart
where no one's ever been.
You are my son,
you are my friend.

Welcome Home
Come on in to the place
Prepared for you before the foundation
Of the world.
Return to the place
Where you originated
In the very heart of God.
Your Father sent His Son
Jesus Christ
To show you the way
To make a way
To  be your way back Home.
The Good News is,
Your sins are forgiven
The price has been paid
And all debts are canceled.
It's safe
For you to go Home.
Christ has assured your welcome
Whether you are a prodigal
Who wasted your life
Or a tired worker
Slaving in your Father's fields.
You must go Home
(And you don't have to die first!)
To receive all He has for you.
In faith you must step across
The threshold
Of an illusionary separation
Between you and Him.
Come on in to Him.
Come empty-handed and without merit
But come!
Join the rest of His
Undeserving family
In a celebration of love and grace.
He's calling you Home
And the reunion won't be complete
Until you get there.
Love Mom
We become truly personal by loving God and by loving other humans. In its deepest  love is the life, the energy, of the Creator in us. Your life and energy will continue to live on. Your light will never dim in my heart.
Loving You and Missing You


Memories of my 1st born
Memories of my 1st son
Remembering when he was a little boy
Remembering when he played with his 1st toys
Remembering his teen years
And the fun with him and his peers
Remembering him crossing into manhood
God has Blessed me – Oh yes God is Good
Jemahl was so full of excitement, energy and very adventurous. His friends loved being around him, because he could turn a boring time to a time of your life. He was just good like that and always bought joy when the family got together.
Whenever he’d walk in the house – he would say Ma – what you got for me to do - you want me to fix anything? He knew whenever he came over to visit, I’d always have something for him to fix. His famous saying to me was always “Ma you sit down – we got this” - - meaning He, Elise and Daniel will take care of whatever I happen to be doing – washing dishes, vacuuming, cleaning.
When I got my truck the -4 wheel drive gear would get out of whack - - Sometimes I’d be stuck on the rode or in the middle of a parking lot.  I would just give him a call, and he would talk me through – getting the gears back into the correct position. I know next time it happens he will be right there getting me through.
Jemahl would have everyone laughing – imitating me when I talked in my sleep “Moms talking to her jungle friends again”
He always gave me the utmost respect. Yes I spoiled him, but respect he had. His mother was the queen.
Jemahl loved riding his motor cycle – it gave him a sense of freedom
Freedom from the troubles of this world. I believe God saw this desire and need in Jemahl’s heart to be free and held out his arms and said to his son –  
I am the Way, the Truth and the Light. - I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness but will have the light of life”.

“The Lord Jesus Christ is my Savior”

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